The Frontera Project
June 1, 2022

Saturday, Oct. 1, 2022 at 7:30 p.m.
Theatre 101
The Frontera Project is an interactive, bilingual theater experience, created and performed by a company of Mexican and US artists. They use theater, music, movement and play to actively engage the audience in a compassionate, often joyous conversation about life at the US/Mexico Border.
The Frontera Project does not tell one Big Story. Rather, the work builds a mosaic of many small stories that celebrates the richness and contradictions of Fronterizo life. Specifically focused on Tijuana/San Diego, The Frontera Project explores the varied experiences of people on both sides of the Border – for audiences who may never have been there themselves.
The Frontera Project es una experiencia teatral interactiva y bilingüe, que incopora además la música y el juego para involucrar activamente al público en una conversación integral sobre la vida en la frontera México/Estados Unidos, más allá de la situación política y la realidad mostrada en los medios de comunicación.
De esta manera, más que contar una sola historia, se construye un mosaico de pequeñas anécdotas (personales y ficcionadas) que celebran la riqueza y las contradicciones de la vida fronteriza, particularmente en las ciudades de Tijuana/San Diego, recreando experiencias diversas de personas en ambos lados de la frontera para públicos que quizá nunca han estado ahí.
Sponsored by the Virginia Tech Library, the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, the College of Architecture, Arts and Design, the School of Performing Arts, the Center for Humanities, School of Public and International Affaris, the Institute for Science, Culture, and Environment, Outreach and International Affairs, Office of Inclusion and Diversity, Center for Refugee, Migrant, and Displacement Studies, the Graduate School, Department of Foreign Languages, and the Graduate School and Center for Peace Studies and Violence Prevention.